Necessary Procedures based on the Drone Act
Flying drones, etc. over and around certain key facilities is prohibited under the Drone Act.
When flying a drone, etc. in a flight restriction zone,
● How to report to an administrator(defense-related facilities and airports)
The details of (ⅱ) and (ⅲ) are below.
How to report to a PPSC via a police station
You must report the flight information to the Prefectural Public Safety Commission (PPSC) via the police station having jurisdiction at least 48 hours before the flight.
In case of a flight in a flight restriction zone surrounding the Imperial Palace, the Akasaka Estate or the Takanawa Imperial Residence, you must also report the flight information to the Chief of Imperial Guard Headquarters via the same police station.
The necessary procedures are as follows.
Submit the prescribed form
・Attach a map showing the flight area to the form.
Form (Japanese)
Submit proof of exemption from the ban
・When flying an aircraft to carry out national or local governmental affairs, submit a copy of the proof (e.g., a contract).
Show your aircraft at the police station
・If you live too far from the police station or your aircraft is too big, you may submit a photo of it instead.
・When the flight area extends over multiple prefectures, you have to report to all PPSCs which have jurisdiction.
・In unavoidable cases such as a disaster, you only have to report your flight information orally before the flight.
(In such cases, you must obtain the necessary consent before the oral report.)
How to report to the Commander of a Regional Coast Guard Headquarters(sea area)
(管区海上保安本部長への通報 ※海域の場合)
When flying a drone, etc. in a flight restriction zone containing a sea area, you must report the flight information to the Commander of the Regional Coast Guard Headquarters via a coast guard office additionally.
How to report to an administrator(defense-related facilities and airports)
(施設管理者への通報 ※対象防衛関係施設及び対象空港の場合)
When flying a drone, etc. in the flight restriction zone of a defense-related facility or an airport covered by the Drone Act, you must report the flight information to the administrator of the facility additionally.
〇 About the Drone Act (NPA HP)
〇 About the Aviation Act (MLIT HP)
〇 Japanese page(NPA HP)