Facilities Covered by the Drone Act
Flying drones, etc. over and around certain key facilities is prohibited under the Drone Act.
Types of facilities covered by the Drone Act
> Office buildings of administrative authorities for crisis management
> Political parties’ offices
・ Defense-related facilities
・ Nuclear sites
Key national facilities, etc.(国の重要な施設等)
National Diet Building, Prime Minister's Office, Supreme Court, Imperial Palace, etc.
No. | Facility Name |
Prefectural Police (Link) |
1 | National Diet Building (House of Representatives) 国会議事堂(衆議院所管部分) |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
2 | First Members' Office Building of the House of Representatives 衆議院第一議員会館 |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
3 | Second Members' Office Building of the House of Representatives 衆議院第二議員会館 |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
4 | Official Residence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives 衆議院議長公邸 |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
5 | Office Building 2 of the House of Representatives 衆議院第二別館 |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
6 | Parliamentary Museum 憲政記念館 |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
7 | National Diet Library 国立国会図書館 |
House of Representatives | Tokyo |
8 | National Diet Building (House of Councillors) 国会議事堂(参議院所管部分) |
House of Councillors | Tokyo |
9 | Members’ Office Building of the House of Councillors 参議院議員会館 |
House of Councillors | Tokyo |
10 | Second Detached Office Building of the House of Councillors 参議院第二別館 |
House of Councillors | Tokyo |
11 | Official Residence of the President of the House of Councillors 参議院議長公邸 |
House of Councillors | Tokyo |
12 | Prime Minister's Office 内閣総理大臣官邸 |
Cabinet Secretariat | Tokyo |
13 | Official Residence of the Prime Minister 内閣総理大臣公邸 |
Cabinet Secretariat | Tokyo |
14 | Official Residence of the Chief Cabinet Secretary 内閣官房長官公邸 |
Cabinet Secretariat | Tokyo |
15 | Imperial Palace 皇居 |
Imperial Household Agency | Tokyo |
16 | Akasaka Estate 赤坂御用地 |
Imperial Household Agency | Tokyo |
17 | Supreme Court 最高裁判所庁舎 |
Supreme Court | Tokyo |
・For flight restriction zone maps, follow "Maps (Link)".
・For information about the police stations which have jurisdiction over the flight restriction zones, follow "Prefectural Police (Link)".
Office buildings of administrative authorities for crisis management
No. | Facility Name | Maps (Link) | Prefectural Police (Link) |
1 | Cabinet Secretariat 内閣官房 |
Cabinet Secretariat | Tokyo |
2 | Cabinet Office 内閣府 |
Cabinet Office | Tokyo |
3 | National Public Safety Commission (National Police Agency) 国家公安委員会(警察庁) |
National Police Agency | Tokyo |
4 | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 総務省 |
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | Tokyo |
5 | Ministry of Justice 法務省 |
Ministry of Justice | Tokyo |
6 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外務省 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Tokyo |
7 | Ministry of Finance 財務省 |
Ministry of Finance | Tokyo |
8 | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 文部科学省 |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology | Tokyo |
9 | Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 厚生労働省 |
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare | Tokyo |
10 | Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 農林水産省 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | Tokyo |
11 | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 経済産業省 |
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | Tokyo |
12 | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 国土交通省 |
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism | Tokyo |
13 | Ministry of the Environment 環境省 |
Ministry of the Environment | Tokyo |
14 | Ministry of Defense 防衛省 |
Ministry of Defense | Tokyo |
15 | Digital Agency |
Digital Agency | Tokyo |
・For flight restriction zone maps, follow "Maps (Link)".
・For information about the police stations which have jurisdiction over the flight restriction zones, follow "Prefectural Police (Link)".
Political parties’ offices
No. | Facility Name | Prefectural Police (Link) |
1 | KOMEITO Headquarters 公明党本部 |
Tokyo |
2 | Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters 自由民主党本部 |
Tokyo |
3 | The Central Committee of the Japanese Communist Party 日本共産党中央委員会 |
Tokyo |
・For flight restriction zone maps, see below.
・For information about the police stations which have jurisdiction over the flight restriction zones, follow "Prefectural Police (Link)".
Foreign diplomatic establishments, etc.
No foreign diplomatic establishments are constantly covered by the Drone Act.
Defense-related facilities(対象防衛関係施設)
No. | Facility Name | Prefectural Police (Link) |
1 | MOD Ichigaya Office 防衛省市ヶ谷庁舎 |
Tokyo |
2 | Camp Asaka 朝霞駐屯地 |
Tokyo Saitama |
3 | Camp Sapporo 札幌駐屯地 |
Hokkaido |
4 | Camp Sendai 仙台駐屯地 |
Miyagi |
5 | Camp Itami 伊丹駐屯地 |
Hyogo |
6 | Camp Kengun 健軍駐屯地 |
Kumamoto |
7 | Headquarters Yokosuka District Funakoshi Office 横須賀地方総監部船越庁舎 |
Kanagawa |
8 | Headquarters Yokosuka District Itsumi Office 横須賀地方総監部逸見庁舎 |
Kanagawa |
9 | Headquarters Maizuru District 舞鶴地方総監部第一地区 |
Kyoto |
10 | Headquarters Ominato District 大湊地方総監部 |
Aomori |
11 | Headquarters Sasebo District 佐世保地方総監部 |
Nagasaki |
12 | Headquarters Kure District 呉地方総監部 |
Hiroshima |
13 | Fuchu Air Base 府中基地 |
Tokyo |
14 | Camp Okadama 丘珠駐屯地 |
Hokkaido |
15 | Camp Kasuminome 霞目駐屯地 |
Miyagi |
16 | Camp Tachikawa 立川駐屯地 |
Tokyo |
17 | Camp Yao 八尾駐屯地 |
Osaka |
18 | Camp Metabaru 目達原駐屯地 |
Saga |
19 | Camp Kengun Vice-Camp Takayubaru 健軍駐屯地高遊原分屯地 |
Kumamoto |
20 | Ominato Air Base 大湊航空基地 |
Aomori |
21 | Hachinohe Air Base 八戸航空基地 |
Aomori |
22 | Tateyama Air Base 館山航空基地 |
Chiba |
23 | Maizuru Air Base 舞鶴航空基地 |
Kyoto |
24 | Komatsushima Air Base 小松島航空基地 |
Tokushima |
25 | Kanoya Air Base 鹿屋航空基地 |
Kagoshima |
26 | Iruma Air Base 入間基地 |
Saitama |
27 | Kasuga Air Base 春日基地 |
Fukuoka |
・For flight restriction zone maps, see below.
・For information about the police stations which have jurisdiction over the flight restriction zones, follow "Prefectural Police (Link)".
(Even the landowner may not fly drones, etc. over the land without consent from the administrator.)
・You must report the flight information to the administrator of the defense-related facility as well as the Prefectural Public Safety Commission in advance.
(If you already have the consent from the administrator, you do not need to report the flight information to the administrator.)
Nuclear sites(対象原子力事業所)
No. | Facility Name | Prefectural Police (Link) |
1 | Tomari Power Station 泊発電所 |
Hokkaido |
2 | Higashidori Nuclear Power Station 東通原子力発電所 |
Aomori |
3 | Onagawa Nuclear Power Station 女川原子力発電所 |
Miyagi |
4 | Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station 福島第一原子力発電所 |
Fukushima |
5 | Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station 福島第二原子力発電所 |
Fukushima |
6 | Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station 柏崎刈羽原子力発電所 |
Niigata |
7 | Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station 浜岡原子力発電所 |
Shizuoka |
8 | Shika Nuclear Power Station 志賀原子力発電所 |
Ishikawa |
9 | Mihama Power Station 美浜発電所 |
Fukui |
10 | Takahama Power Station 高浜発電所 |
Fukui |
11 | Ohi Power Station 大飯発電所 |
Fukui |
12 | Shimane Nuclear Power Station 島根原子力発電所 |
Shimane |
13 | Ikata Power Station 伊方発電所 |
Ehime |
14 | Genkai Nuclear Power Station 玄海原子力発電所 |
Saga |
15 | Sendai Nuclear Power Station 川内原子力発電所 |
Kagoshima |
16 | Tokai Dai-ni Power Station 東海第二発電所 |
Ibaraki |
17 | Tsuruga Power Station 敦賀発電所 |
Fukui |
18 | Fast Breeder Reactor Monju 高速増殖原型炉もんじゅ |
Fukui |
19 | Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center 新型転換炉原型炉ふげん |
Fukui |
20 | Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories 核燃料サイクル工学研究所 |
Ibaraki |
21 | Oarai Research and Development Center 大洗研究所 |
Ibaraki |
22 | Reprocessing Plant 再処理事業所 |
Aomori |
・Flight restriction zone maps of the nuclear sites are not available online.
For a map, please contact the police station and the prefectural police headquaters that have jurisdiction over the site.
(You can also see maps at the National Police Agency.)
・For information about the police stations which have jurisdiction over the flight restriction zones, follow "Prefectural Police (Link)".
〇 About the Drone Act (NPA HP)
〇 About the Aviation Act (MLIT HP)
〇 Japanese page(NPA HP)