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Fiscal Year 2008
Measures for Crime Victims

Cabinet Office
Government of Japan

Cover (PDF:20KB)

Preface (PDF:24KB)

Table of Contents (PDF:52KB)

Chapter1 Featured: "Looking back over the first three years following the establishment of a Basic Plan for Crime Victims" (PDF:408KB)

  1. Section 1 Approaches before the enactment of the Basic Act on Crime Victims
  2. Section 2 Enactment of the Basic Act on Crime Victims and the establishment of the Basic Plan for Crime Victims
  3. Section 3 Realization of measures studied

Chapter2 Measures for crime victims and their progress 1/2 (PDF:330KB) 2/2 (PDF:443KB)

  1. Section 1 Efforts towards damage recovery and economic support
  2. Section 2 Efforts towards the recovery/prevention of mental and physical damage
  3. Section 3 Efforts towards expansion of participation in criminal procedures
  4. Section 4 Efforts towards system improvement for support
  5. Section 5 Efforts towards fostering citizens' understanding and consideration and ensuring cooperation
  6. Section 6 Efforts towards measures concerning promotional systems

Columns Regarding the Crime Victims

Insertion of other columns from notes of victims

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