Traffic accident information

Purpose of statistics

The road traffic statistics are official statistics based on data reported by the prefectural police, which cover accidents that occurred on the roads prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Road Traffic Act and resulted in deaths or injuries caused by vehicles, streetcars or trains.

These statistics covering the numbers of traffic accidents, fatalities within 24 hours, persons injured, and fatalities within 30 days, are utilized effectively in formulating the government’s traffic safety measures and preventing traffic accidents.


・ Explanation of terms
・ Points to note
・ Errata
  No errata are currently published.
・ Statistics list(update:January 7, 2025) New!
・ Release schedule

Daily fatalities and traffic accidents fatalities in other countries (Link to external site)

・ Daily fatalities  (ITARDA)
  Daily traffic accident fatalities 
updated on a daily basis
・ IRTAD Road Safety Database (IRTAD) 
 Annual traffic accident fatalities in other countries