Four years have passed since the simultaneous terrorist attacks on the United States shook the world on
September 11, 2001. The governments of countries have enhanced measures against terrorism, and international
efforts to fight terrorism have achieved a certain degree of success. However, the threat of terrorism remains
high as Islamic extremists continue to commit terrorist acts around the world.
Looking at 2005 alone, during the summit meeting in July at Gleneagles, United Kingdom, bomb attacks that
targeted public transportation facilities like the subway in the capital city of London killed and injured a great
number of people. In October, simultaneous terrorist bomb attacks occurred in Bali, Indonesia, with a Japanese
national among those killed.
Japan is not immune to the threat of international terrorism either. Japan was named as one of the countries to
be targeted for attack in statements which are believed to have been made by Usama bin Ladin in recent years.
In addition, it was discovered that personnel linked to "Al-Qaeda" had been illegally entering and leaving Japan
repeatedly. As such, it cannot be denied that Japan could possibly be targeted for terrorism.
In light of such circumstances, the police are advancing various measures against international terrorism from
the viewpoint of "not allowing terrorists into Japan," "not allowing terrorists to create bases in Japan," and "not
allowing terrorists to commit acts of terrorism." We will continue to take measures that appropriately meet the
changing situation and utilize all possible means to prevent terrorism while collaborating closely with the relevant
domestic and overseas organizations in order to gain the understanding and cooperation of the Japanese citizens.